Office and Bar Hours – July 2020

Please also read the letter sent out to members and visitors with important advice and reminders if you are planning on visiting – Read More

(You can also download the Club’s Covid19 Risk Assessment Document at the end of this news article)



OFFICE (from 6th July)

MONDAY             9am-1pm

WEDNESDAY      9am-1pm

FRIDAY                 9am-1pm

The door will remain locked – please ring the bell.

We will be able to take telephone calls during these hours (01403 254628) At other times please email us and we will respond as soon as we are able to do so.

BAR * (from 4th July)

THURSDAY 4pm -9pm

FRIDAY – 12noon- 9pm

SATURDAY 12noon- 9pm

SUNDAY 12noon- 8pm.

*Bar hours are subject to change and dependant on weather.

Access to bar during these times is via members bar only – not through the office entrance, please go to other side of building.

Toilets only available during these opening hours and accessed via door near tennis courts.

Please observe the queueing system for toilets.

Please do not visit the club if you have any symptoms of Covid19- by attending the club we assume that you consider yourself to be fit and well.

Please use hand sanitisers which are available at entrances to club.


Covid19 HSC Risk Assessment PDF (2.66 MB)